Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Year of Dedication

Hello friends!
Golly, it's been a few months hasn't it?
Life has been a whirlwind of so many great things happening in the lives of the Janson fam and I hate how this blog took a back seat!
I'm happy to share that 2016 is already off to a great start and today's post, to get back into the swing of blogging, is going to be all about my word for this year!
2015's word was "content" and I have to shamefully admit, I did an awful job.
But it's a new year and with that comes new, fresh beginnings!
My word for 2016 is
Dedicate! Websters definition of this word is: "a feeling of very strong support for or loyalty to someone or something : the quality or state of being dedicated to a person, group, cause, etc."
The word dedicate FEELS strong; when I say it and more specifically, when I think about how I'm going to put it into action this year!
You see, I've recently taken a next step. To me, next steps are GOOD and as a follower of Jesus, I feel they are absolutely necessary. But this next step has required me to step out of my comfort zone and into an area that makes me, excited, yes, but also very nervous. But I constantly pray and meditate over my reasons for moving foward with this next step. I think of the cause, the people, and the Savior that I have such a "strong support" for. That I long to be a woman in Christ who is looked as loyal, strong and, well, dedicated.
When moments in this next step get hard (which they will), I want to remember how this word has helped set my soul on fire. I want to cling to this word this year!
I am so, super stoked for everything I feel Jesus is going to do in my life, my marriage, my friendships and in my new church! (By the way, check out DECIDEDchurch here!)
I urge each of you to think about a word that you want to be the theme of your year. I'd love to hear it so that I can be encouraging and praying for you!
2016 will be all you make it be friends.
Excited to be back!
Much, much love :)

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