Friday, March 20, 2015


Happy Spring!
I came even begin to express how fast the time is going. It's freaking me out!
I know some of you still have snow on the ground and I am so sorry. South Carolina weather has been so up and down that I'm not quite sure what to except these days! I'm just happy to be in the season of spring.
This has always been my favorite time of year! And, no, not just because my birthday is in May. I see spring as a time when dead things come to life; much like the reason we celebrate Easter! Since last year, I view Easter completely different then all the cute bunnies and pretty baskets in the store. I see how painfully beautiful it is to celebrate the reason we have the cross in the first place. Without His death there'd be no salvation. To think that Jesus died for me...well that would take a whole different blog post! :)
With Easter coming up and starting to watch the flowers bloom, I get that warm, happy feeling inside. A feeling in my gut that tells me changes are about to take place. I've been getting pretty good at noticing when one season in my life and another one is about to begin. And I'll tell you what- that warm, happy feeling hasn't always been there.
I have NEVER been good with change. This word has always scared me, even if I know the change is going to be good. My mindset has been like this for a while, until about a month or so ago. I was at my church in the room where all the volunteers meet before the service and was listening to our campus pastor give us, what you can call, a pep talk. He used a verse from the bible, that even with all my studying of the bible, never came across. Or maybe I just overlooked it. It's a verse that our church believes in whole heartily.
I'll be honest, as much as I loved this verse when I first heard it, I haven't thought it about since that evening. But I didn't forget about it. I like the verses that come across my path that I tuck away for the times when I need comfort. Last night was one of those nights.
It was late, I was already upset and was thinking of change. How much our lives have changed since Makenna has come along, how much I long for us to become homeowners, our physical health, our future...I was overwhelmed. I was doubtful to God and His plan. I couldn't lay in bed anymore just thinking so I pulled out my last journal that still had some blank pages in it, grabbed a bible and a blanket and had quiet time. I said a quick prayer, before picking up the pen to write, that God would let this conversation be productive and peaceful. I opened up the bible to a random page and immediately saw Isaiah 43:19 underlined.
The best hasn't even happened yet. 
God is already 20 million steps ahead of me. 
He's already putting all the pieces together of everything that has been on my mind. 
Change doesn't have to be scary because God, Himself, is telling me of how good it can be. 
I'm ready for this new season in my life. I can't even imagine how God is going to use us and bless us for His glory. I can't even express grow thankful I am to have a Father that has something new and exciting waiting for me at the end of every trial. And I can walk away stronger, growing more in my faith and look forward to all He has planned for me. 
So as the flowers start to bloom and the sun begins to warm the air, let's embrace the change; together!
Life is so beautiful friends :)
Much love to you all! 

Any thoughts, comments? Let me hear! ❤️

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