Friday, November 7, 2014

Show me how to love the unlovable

"Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other." Romans 12:9-10

I read the most amazing devotional yesterday morning from Proverbs 31 Ministries. It starts off with the verse you see above from Romans and then talks about "unrushing" your life and making time for the smaller assignments The Lord puts in our lives daily. While I could relate to the devotional and it really was a great read, this bible verse they provided made me think about something else that I know every single person (I know I do!) must struggle with.
Loving those who are the hardest to love.
It is hard for me sometimes to show love and compassion to EVERYBODY. There are those that have done me wrong, those that don't necessarily seem compatible with me, and those that I feel I should just avoid. I run away from those that probably need the most love. 
This is not like Jesus at all. Jesus ran to those that had the most problems: prostituteslepers, tax collectors, the poor and dirty, etc. He didn't hide away from those that were socially unacceptable. So why should we? It all comes down to judgement doesn't it?
The bible says to love and help others as long as it doesn't interfere with YOUR personal and growing relationship with God. I hide behind this when I do not want to extend a hand or kind words to those that need it most. My selfish feelings get in the way of doing what I know is expected of me as a Christian and I will admit, I am shameful of this. It's hard for me to give kindness and love to somebody that hurt me, my marriage or my family. I don't want to pray good things for them. I want anger to take over my heart because that is what I feel they deserve.
But you know what? I deserve anger too. I've fallen and still do fall short. Jesus is the ONLY perfect person out there. I have no right to not forgive anybody that has done wrong doing against me.
We love because He loved us first.
-1 John 4:19
I pray a lot that God teaches me to love how He loves. To forgive how He forgives. To be rich in mercy and slow to anger. (Psalm 145:8) How do I expect to bring others closer to Jesus if I pass any judgment or show nothing but anger to them?
I'm realizing that the more love I put out, the more love that can fill my heart. Anger and judgement will have no choice but to leave because there will be no more room in my heart to fit those emotions. It's not always going to be easy. The other day I tried to show compassion to the last person I would ever want to show it to and I have since received no response. Honestly, it bruised my ego a bit before I realized it's not about how good it makes ME feel but about just knowing that I am able to go out and do what God expects of me to do. It's Him I want to please and His work I want to complete. 
Try it out. Try extending grace and love to others on a daily basis, whether you follow Jesus or not! Run to those that need love the most. Set an example for others to follow your lead. Show a smile behind your eyes instead of jealousy, anger or judgement
If you have anything you'd like to chat about regarding this or anything on your heart, please do not hesitate: :)

On to a more different and yummier note! That soup looks SO good right??!
I found this great article of all these different kinds of Gluten Free soups! The weather is really starting to cool down here in SC and I am anxious to try out new recipes, especially some beef stew. (My faovrite!) So check out the link and let me know which ones you like and have successfully made:
Also during this time of year, I to just pour myself a small cup of wine at the end of the day while Eric enjoys a nice, manly beer! His taste changes all the time but my favorite wine happens to be Moscato. I'm always open to trying new types (just no red please) so I welcome any wine suggestions you may have :) Duplin has come out with their Christmas wines and I cannot wait to get those back in my fridge again!
Hope you all had an excellent week and have an even sweeter weekend! It's going to be nice here in Lexington, so I'm hoping we can make it outside for a little while.
Much love!!!

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