Thursday, October 23, 2014

No Mr. Romance. Or is he?

Eric has never been an overly mushy guy. He's a mans man and has never been overly romantic. I think he bought me flowers once and that was two months after we met! To be honest it used to upset me. I used to wonder why he wouldn't shower me with chocolate, flowers or nice gifts. Or why he never wrote me love letters or looked into my eyes underneath the stars and captivate me with his words. I wanted the typical, mushy kind of love that you see in the movies. (Which is a problem with a lot of people!) And it took me well into a year and a half into our marriage to realize that's not what matters. That life is not a movie, it's real.
Yes, flowers are nice and chocolates are yummy but do they really matter in the grand scheme of things?
Not really; not to me. Not anymore at least.
Eric works HARD. Always has as long as I've known him. He was an outstanding Marine and went above and beyond in all he did. He's quickly been advancing and moving up in the job he is in now and he does it all for one main reason.
Our family. 
I have a husband who puts in well over 60 (more like 70) hours a week just to make sure his wife and daughter are living a good life.
I have a husband who comes home after working those long days and will still  help with Makenna or housework and then makes sure he has plenty of time to spend with me.
I have a husband who leads me in the most beautiful way a husband can; with a Christ-like heart. The ways Eric has changed and helped progress my relationship with Jesus is one thing (besides making me a mommy) I am most thankful for. 
While I'm ready to completely freak out over any crisis that may happen, he's already there getting it all worked out. He's truly my backbone and after 3 years and two months of marriage, I can honestly say I fall in love with him again, over and over! Watching him be a daddy to our baby girl makes my little heart want to explode.
I have a husband who has made me feel SO incredibly beautiful everyday, especially since I have been feeling a little down about how I look after giving birth. He still makes me feel fantastic! It will never matter what anyone else may think because I know he's on my team.
Last week, Eric comes into the house after being outside for quite a while. He looked at me and asked "Has anyone ever carved your name into a tree before?" I laughed and said "If you mean a boyfriend then absolutely not, why?"
This is why:
So you see, I don't need the flowers, the nice gifts, the star gazing or chocolate (well...I'll take some chocolate, ha!) to feel romanced by my husband. I just need him to be, him! He is romantic in the ways he knows how even if it may not fit what I used to expect. He is my best friend and someone I love to be around as much as I can. And if the best really is yet to come then I can't even comprehend how great the rest of my life will be with him by my side!
Love you babe :)

I hope you all are having a fantastic Thursday! Only one more day till the weekend, so hang in there.
I just wanted to say the responses of love, encouragement, testimonies and praise over my last post was overwhelming! I can't thank you enough for the positivity you all showed me.
I'm here for whatever you need to send my way:
Much love!

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