Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sticks and Stones

Whenever I receive a compliment it goes in one ear and out the other. But if I were to hear an insult or bad words spoken about me, it sticks to my heart like a leech and it pulls me down quickly.
I always had a way of beating to the sound of my own drum throughout school. I never liked what everyone else liked. I had maybe 3 or 4 pieces of Abercrombie and Hollister clothes and I was ok with that. I never had a fancy purse. I didn't date the cutest boy in my grade. And I'm really just weird! I had plenty of horrible things said behind my back and even to my face. Whether it be about my clothes or a part that I got in drama club. It always hurt and some days I would cry myself to sleep, feeling like such a loser. I never appreciated my differences back then and how special I was. How special we ALL are. I just wanted to fit in. I wanted to be popular and accepted by those that I put on such a high pedestal.
I couldn't wait to graduate. To get away from my peers that I spent, basically, 12 years with. Get away from those whose opinion should have held no value in my life, meet new people and start fresh. I was naive and felt like as soon as I went to college and stepped out into the real world, those problems would go away.
But they didn't. Of course they didn't. In fact, it seems like the older we get, the worse those problems become. Except instead of picking on someones bike or backpack or shoes, it's bigger things like where you live, what you drive, what kind of mother, wife or Christian you are.
I keep asking myself when am I finally going to let the sharp and hurtful opinions of others just roll of my back?
When are YOU?
God created us all different for a reason. We all have our different talents and a purpose in this world. I feel like if we were to all focus on the gifts and blessings He gives us instead of constantly worrying about others, the gossiping and judgement could stop. The bullying could stop.
Hurt people, hurt people. I heard this from my Pastor at church and it couldn't be more true.
Honestly, it shouldn't matter who's gay and who's straight. Who's wearing Abercrombie and who's wearing a thrift store special. Who's black and who's white. Who lives in a two story house and who lives in a 5th wheel. Who's a Christian and who's Jewish. We are all made different for a reason! We all have something to bring to the table!
I hope to teach my children the importance of building others up with our words instead of tearing each other down. That when you feel hurtful toward someone else, to pray and/or think before you speak. One bad opinion that we may speak aloud to another's face or even behind their back, could change the way they look at themselves in such a negative way.
Ephesians 4:29 says this:
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."
Be kind to someone today. Instead of glancing at another woman's outfit in a scornful way, how about you throw her a compliment that she looks nice or that you like her purse.
Let's teach the generations coming up the way this human race needs to start treating each other, so that maybe we can start to help control the madness that is going on in the world.
I've been guilty of caving into gossip. Of saying mean things about other people, to others, behind their back. But it's time to start setting an example. For all of us to set one.
And if you're the victim of any harsh words today, or any day, just smile; knowing that no matter what anyone may think or say that you are AWESOME!
As always, feel free to send an email with anything that may be on your mind. And if you haven't already, check out GFMama's new Facebook page. Thanks for reading y'all and have an amazing day. It's almost the weekend!!
Much love!

P.S. I went to my first trunk or treat last night with Makenna! (Daddy is away for work) I was a Pink Lady and Makenna was a little skeleton :) I had a blast. Having a child makes me feel like one again, in a way, and I'm excited of getting to experience firsts for both of us!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Happy Challenge

Hey y'all!
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Ours was great. We were able to hang out with family quite a bit this weekend, which always makes me happy. Church was fantastic yesterday and the message, as always, left such an impression on my heart that I hope to carry throughout my week. For anyone that is ever looking for a great church, please check out Newspring Church online and I promise you won't regret it.
So I was challenged by a follower, on instagram, to write the 10 things that make me the happiest! This is in no specific order and I challenge all of you to do the same!
1) My faith:
I love my growing relationship with God. I am honored to be the child of a King! I'm constantly looking for my next step with Him and love how far we've come.
2) My family:
I LOVE family. I'd spend and see them all every day if I could. There is nothing like getting together with those that we love most and seeing them with Makenna.
3) DIY:
I am no an artistic person whatsoever but I love finding things to make on Pintrest. My daughters whole nursery is one giant Pintrest project.
4) Food:
I love to eat. I love to cook; especially the better I get at it. I try out new and healthy recipes all the time and love it.
5) My animals:
I am not a cat person and living with an 85 lb weimaner in a fifth wheel is not easy but I love animals; especially my own! They were our first "babies" after all.
6) Music:
Even if it's just in the car, acting goofy, I LOVE to sing and play piano. Music has and always will be such a huge part of my life. In fact, my new serving position at Newspring Church will be to sing and act with the kids in Kidspring. I am SO excited to teach them Jesus on their level especially through the best way I know how.
7) Driving:
I know that sounds silly but to me there is nothing like rolling the windows down on a beautiful day, putting on some country music and go cruising down some back roads. I did this way more before Makenna was born and even before I was pregnant. Eric and I would drive anywhere to see where we'd end up and just talk. Those days are so sweet to me.
8) Friendship:
I've learned a lot about myself through friendships I've either had in the past or have now. There are some friends that are so close to my heart, no matter how often we talk. I believe God brings people into your life for a reason; (We all know I'm about His reasons!) whether it's for a lifetime or just for a season. I am so thankful for all friends that I have, both past and present.
9) My marriage:
I love doing life with my sweet husband. I love how he makes me feel and I love the amazing guy he is and always continues to become. As you can tell, he's one of my favorite subjects to write about. He's definitely a huge reason for my happiness.
10) Motherhood:
This little girl right here is the light of my life. Makenna has taught me so much about myself more then anything or anyone.To think Eric and I created something so beautiful just overwhelms me. I am so blessed and thankful that God chose me to be her mommy. Motherhood is beautiful, stressful, amazing, fun, tiring and demanding of my patience but to watch her grow up and know that we are shaping her life just completes me!!
God gives us so much to be happy and grateful for everyday. Church yesterday reminded me of how beautiful my life is because of Jesus and how much joy He wants for me in my life. I could have listed 50 more things as to what makes me happy but these are the 10 that matter the most.
I would LOVE to hear from you all the 10 things that make you the happiest! Send an email ( or write a comment.
I hope you all have an amazing day and hey! If you have a Facebook, make sure you find my new blog page and like it by clicking this link:
Your support is much appreciated and gives me a reason to keep writing. Have a great start to the week!
Much love!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

No Mr. Romance. Or is he?

Eric has never been an overly mushy guy. He's a mans man and has never been overly romantic. I think he bought me flowers once and that was two months after we met! To be honest it used to upset me. I used to wonder why he wouldn't shower me with chocolate, flowers or nice gifts. Or why he never wrote me love letters or looked into my eyes underneath the stars and captivate me with his words. I wanted the typical, mushy kind of love that you see in the movies. (Which is a problem with a lot of people!) And it took me well into a year and a half into our marriage to realize that's not what matters. That life is not a movie, it's real.
Yes, flowers are nice and chocolates are yummy but do they really matter in the grand scheme of things?
Not really; not to me. Not anymore at least.
Eric works HARD. Always has as long as I've known him. He was an outstanding Marine and went above and beyond in all he did. He's quickly been advancing and moving up in the job he is in now and he does it all for one main reason.
Our family. 
I have a husband who puts in well over 60 (more like 70) hours a week just to make sure his wife and daughter are living a good life.
I have a husband who comes home after working those long days and will still  help with Makenna or housework and then makes sure he has plenty of time to spend with me.
I have a husband who leads me in the most beautiful way a husband can; with a Christ-like heart. The ways Eric has changed and helped progress my relationship with Jesus is one thing (besides making me a mommy) I am most thankful for. 
While I'm ready to completely freak out over any crisis that may happen, he's already there getting it all worked out. He's truly my backbone and after 3 years and two months of marriage, I can honestly say I fall in love with him again, over and over! Watching him be a daddy to our baby girl makes my little heart want to explode.
I have a husband who has made me feel SO incredibly beautiful everyday, especially since I have been feeling a little down about how I look after giving birth. He still makes me feel fantastic! It will never matter what anyone else may think because I know he's on my team.
Last week, Eric comes into the house after being outside for quite a while. He looked at me and asked "Has anyone ever carved your name into a tree before?" I laughed and said "If you mean a boyfriend then absolutely not, why?"
This is why:
So you see, I don't need the flowers, the nice gifts, the star gazing or chocolate (well...I'll take some chocolate, ha!) to feel romanced by my husband. I just need him to be, him! He is romantic in the ways he knows how even if it may not fit what I used to expect. He is my best friend and someone I love to be around as much as I can. And if the best really is yet to come then I can't even comprehend how great the rest of my life will be with him by my side!
Love you babe :)

I hope you all are having a fantastic Thursday! Only one more day till the weekend, so hang in there.
I just wanted to say the responses of love, encouragement, testimonies and praise over my last post was overwhelming! I can't thank you enough for the positivity you all showed me.
I'm here for whatever you need to send my way:
Much love!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

We all have a story to tell

The story of how I came to know Christ is not one I share quite often. It brings up unwanted memories of a past that, to this day, I struggle to accept. But the more I progress in my relationship with Jesus, the more I feel Him calling me. Calling me to be bold and share the news of how He saved me. I kept dismissing those calls and when I started this blog, I made a promise to myself I wouldn't go that far. I would keep the posts light and positive; only lightly talking about what Jesus does in my life.
Until this morning.
I receive emails every morning from a website called Proverbs 31 Ministries and today's devotional was labeled How God Turns Your Past Into Purpose. The devotional started off with this verse:
“‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.” Luke 8:39 
It states how God never wastes our pain. That it's His desire for us to share our stories, whether we want to or not. That made me realize that He didn't just send His only Son for me to talk "lightly" of Him and all He does for me.
So with that said and a deep breath from my side of the computer, I'd love to share with you all how I was saved!
I grew up in a non religious household. My mom is Jewish and my dad is Catholic. We still celebrated the holidays, but in more of a hallmark sense. They never pushed one religion on me; wanting me to one day decide if I even wanted to follow any type of religion. I had gone to church maybe three times growing up and honestly never had the desire to. I didn't hang out with friends that were into religion or God and at some moments in my teenage years, I wondered if He even existed. 
My senior year of high school, I had my first, official relationship. It's because of this relationship I was introduced to church with his family, who were all pretty secure in their faith. I started to look into Christianity and took great interest in it. It was overwhelming and I didn't even know where to start. I started to Google popular bible verses on the internet and even tried to pray to "see what would happen." I was no where near living a life for Jesus and considered myself just getting my toes wet to see if this whole faith thing was for me and if I even wanted to pursue a relationship with Him.
Little did I know that God was just getting things started for me. 
This was only the very beginning.
Fast forward a little bit. A chain of events and falling into the wrong group of people, led me to become somebody I didn't even know anymore and do things that I am, by no means, proud of. I hurt my family, friends and myself. If I was on any path toward Jesus, I was already starting to stray out of control. The relationship I was in and out of, was over and left me really hurt. At the time I considered it losing my first love (not really knowing what love was back then) and my innocence. 
November 2009, after months of being out of touch with reality, I made the decision to get away. Some said I was running from my problems and they were right!! I needed a fresh start and I needed it fast. So I found a place to live, I enrolled in college, packed up my little Nissan Sentra and moved to Jacksonville, North Carolina to stay with my friend Brittany for a little while before I could get the keys to my apartment. I was thankful for the compassion I received from her and others during that time, considering how I acted beforehand. I especially couldn't have been more thankful for my parents who didn't give up on me once; who supported me moving over 600 miles away to start my life over and still believed I was capable of doing amazing things. Without my mom and dad in my life, I don't even want to think about where I would be and I will forever owe my heart and love to them!
Things in Jacksonville started off great. I was working at a well paying job, started school and was really getting my life back on track. I started to go back to God little by little and even changed my major from theatre to religion studies. 
But I still just couldn't get it right. I started to slip off the path once again. I found myself not being honest with others or myself. I took a liking to drinking and once again, lost my interest in my faith and wandered from God.
I was in such a rut. I hated who I was as a person, was depressed to be alone and walked around being so bitter. I talked to men that, in the end, didn't want anything but a physical relationship and ended it when I wouldn't give that to them. Also, in a huge way, I was still hurting and bruised over the relationship that ended in NY.  I didn't know what to do or where to run. I closed myself off from my parents, which I know hurt them even more. I was losing control again. 
It wasn't until I met my husband (check out It All Started With a Toaster to read how) that I felt my heart and spirit come back to life. When I say that Eric mended my broken heart, he really did. He picked up the pieces and did (and still does!) all he could to show me what love really was. He is, who I consider to be, my first love.
But even being in that relationship, I still wasn't living for God. We both weren't. I still wasn't bring an honest person and I was still feeling the aftermath of all I had been through the last few years. It more then affected our marriage.
In 2012, Eric and I moved to Lexington, SC after he got out of the Marine Corps and things were hard. We went through our biggest trial together and there were times I didn't know how or when we'd make it out. 
Behind the scenes, God was ready to move mountains! All we needed to do was just surrender to Him and the spiritual warfare going on in our hearts wouldn't allow us. We were suffering as people and as a couple. I had no idea what our future held at this point.  
In September 2013, something led us to start wanting to go back to church. We started going to a church called Newspring that so many people told us about. We were both overwhelmed and unsure about it but kept going back. I was captivated. The music, the pastor, the message; it all stayed with me throughout the week. It lit a spark in our hearts and we attended the ownership class together to learn more about the church and what they were all about. 
That night at the class, November 2013, 4 years after I made the decision to leave NY and start over, I was saved along with my husband. We accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior right there at our church. Together. 
I'd like to say things were automatically easier for us but that's not true. They, in fact, became harder. But for the last 11 months we have seen God do the most amazing things in our life. Our marriage made a complete 360 degree turn and has become incredibly stronger. I've been feeling a transformation in my heart, in my soul and in my life. Jesus, with His forgiveness, has allowed me to completely start over. I'm so grateful He never stopped chasing my heart. He pursued me with such a great passion and now, in turn, I must go out in the world and do the same. 
If I've said it once, Ill say it again: God does everything for a reason. My past happened according to His plan. While my past may not seem to be a tragedy as much as others may be, it was a tragedy to me. I was miserable and felt dead inside. BUT! I needed to go through that. I needed to hit rock bottom. I needed to see that He is the ONLY One who was going to pull me out of that awful place I was in. Life is amazing, beautiful, hard, obnoxious and scary but I don't ever have to do it alone. 
So to whoever reads this, to whoever this is meant to reach, THANK YOU! It's because of you that I'm sharing this story. My true testimony. And just know that this kind of freedom is there waiting for you. You just have to grab His hand and let Him take the reigns of your life. If you are going through anything, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It will be ok. YOU will ok. 
If there are any questions or comments or anything you feel the need to share, my email is there for the taking:
You are all so great and I thank you for reading this.
MUCH love!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hello my name is Amanda and I'm addicted to fall!

Why do so many people just love fall so much?
I could think of TONS of reasons:
-Pumpkin everything
-Comfy sweaters and sweatshirts that make you want to snuggle with the first thing you see
-That crisp and chilly feel in the air
-The feeling that the crisp air gives you; the kind of feeling that just makes you think and feel good inside
-The constant burning of apple pie, whipped pumpkin pie and apple cinnamon candles in the house. Though I let those scents burn all year round.
-Knowing that soon after fall is Christmas!! (Anyone start their shopping yet?? This mama has!)
My favorite is the fun of going to a Famers Market on a nice day or the pumpkin patch. And these past two days, I have done just that :)

Yesterday evening we went pumpkin picking and hay-riding with one of our favorite little familes! They brought their daughter Olivia who was a little bit more into it then our sleeping baby. It was a nice night and we always have fun with them. Heres some pictures to share:
It was such a beautiful sunset last night! Made for the most perfect pumpkin picking environment

Eric was finally able to babywear Makenna, our little pumpkin head, and loved every second of it. Judging by the way she was passed out the whole time, I think she did too. She loves her daddy!

So many pumpkins to choose from!

Sunflowers are my favorite and have been since I was a little girl!

We made it home a little after 8 with some yummy Chick-Fil-A to eat and Makenna was wide awake. We've never taken her off her schedule before and probably won't again for a while since she was up till 10 pm laughing at the warning label in her bassinet, haha!
Today, Eric and my dad were able to go to the Gamecocks football game, (thanks to his awesome boss!) so my mom and I decided to check out the Soda City Market in downtown Columbia. It was AWESOME! So many cute vendors and fellow babywearers! Here are some pictures from today's adventure:
There was a breast cancer marathon going on as well, so we saw lots of pink! 

We were able to fill a box with as much farm, fresh vegis and fruits that we could fit. We took great advantage of that and I'm so excited to fill my fridge with it with so much healthy yumminess!

Makenna loved being outside in the fresh air for the second day in a row!

Now let me tell about this amazing restaurant we stopped at for lunch. The ENTIRE menu is gluten free! (Happy day for this Celiac!) It's also vegan and dairy-free friendly. They name of the place is Good Life Cafe and everything is raw. Their food isn't cooked, it's dehydrated (I hope I got that right) and never goes above 115 degrees. I had the eggplant/bacon sandwich on onion bread with a fresh fruit cup and kale salad. YUM! I recommend it to anyone of my SC friends!
Days like today give me an extra boost of a reminder of how good I have it. How life is just so wonderful and the blessings that surround me, even in a simple sandwich, amaze me! God works ALL the time. He never stops showing me how wonderful my life can be if I just follow His lead. 
I hope all of you are enjoying your fall so far! As always, my email is always open ( with anything you feel the need to send. I love reading your emails and the audience I'm getting from across the world is amazing and totally keeps me motivated to keep writing! God is good, God is great.
Much love!


Friday, October 17, 2014

The 10 things I like!

Hello there and happy Friday!
For as long as I can remember I, like most humans, have always been my worst critic. I judge myself over everything I do, put myself down and I'm just down right mean to, well, me!
While I'm still pretty hard on myself, I'm growing to love more of the things God blessed me with when He created me. Motherhood has brought this out a lot. A new sense of drive, determination and motivation. A new sense to want to be someone others can look up to; especially my daughter. I don't want her growing up seeing how I treat myself and end up following my lead.
So I'm making a list. A public declaration of 10 things about me that I like. I'm going to write it out and post it where I can view it everyday! A reminder of how fine tuned I am to have been made exactly how God wanted me to be. Here it goes!
10 things:
1) I like how well I've adapted to motherhood
2) I like the singing voice I was blessed with
3) I like my feet
4) I like my ability to love as hard as I do
5) I like my big, brown eyes
6) I like how I play the piano
7) I like how far I've come as a person so far in my 20's
8) I like my cooking
9) I like how I dance, even if I'm embarrassing
10) I like my body and the amazing things it can do

So there it is! Not easy for me to write, especially that last one. Because when I look in the mirror it's hard to be happy. I see stretch marks and loose skin that are the remains of my big preggo belly.
But it tells a story. A story of how I carried life for 9 months. It reminds me that I am beautiful!
It stills gives me motivation to work out and eat right but that's ok. My point is that there is no more pressure to fit back into my size 2, pre pregnancy jeans. It took 9 months to grow my sweet baby and it might take 9 months to bounce back. I'm happy to say that I'm really ok with that!

We all need to cut ourselves some slack. Whether it's about our bodies, upcoming or past changes, a job, parenthood!
My house is a mess, there's dishes in the sink, my bed isn't made and my napping daughter has a foul smell coming from her diaper.
IT'S OK!!!!
I'm doing great and the best I can as a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend and a Christian! I'm going to make mistakes; I have made mistakes. I've hurt people, I've hurt God and I've hurt myself. And I may never fit into those old size 2 jeans but I'm still going to give myself a pat on the back.
Life is constantly a work in progress and it's almost like I'm Gods project. I will take 5 steps forward only to take 6 steps back. But I'm learning. We all are. I've come a long way from a person I used to be so ashamed of. As much as I'm learning to forgive and love others, I'm doing the same for myself.
So whatever it is you're struggling with, on a personal level, it's ok. It will all be ok because YOU ARE GREAT!
How about you write a list? And put it where you can see it, like on your mirror or your wallet. Remind yourself that all the good things about you outweigh the negative.
If you want to share it with me, send in a prayer request or just let off some steam, my email is always open:
Smile, you're great and beautiful :)
Much love!

These two give me reasons to feel beautiful and wonderful everyday! ❤️

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The story of our miracle baby

Our little pastry chef, haha!

"For this child I have prayed." -1 Samuel 1:27
Happy two months to my sweet baby girl, Makenna! I cannot believe it has been two months already but at the same time it feels like she has always been in our lives. It amazes me how I cannot even imagine what life was before this little girl took over our hearts. I was thinking, to celebrate her being two months today, I'll tell you the background story of how Makenna is our miracle baby :) It's officially one of my favorite stories to tell.
I had always wanted to be a mom. I love children and my first job was working at a place called Party Playhouse-we threw birthday parties for kids and I had a blast working there!
When I met and married Eric, I couldn't wait for us to have a baby. About 5 months after we were married, we started to try for our first. We were both pretty nervous and excited at the same time.
Fast forward to a year later and we still weren't having any luck. I went to the doctors and had a check over to make sure I was healthy and everything checked out ok. I was getting nervous because I knew what the year mark meant. Problems.
After rattling my brain and much research, I decided it was best I faithfully followed the Gluten Free diet that I needed to follow, due to Celiac Disease. All the arrows were pointing to that being the problem so I disciplined myself and eliminated all gluten from my diet.
The next 10 months after that was truly a test of my faith. And for a majority of it, I failed. I watched friends get pregnant and others have their babies with envy. I would cry myself to sleep wondering what was wrong with me while Eric kept insisting it was him, even though we both knew it wasn't.
I knew in my heart it was because of the Celiac Disease and me not following my diet for so long. I was trying all I could to make it right and I felt like a failure for not being able to give my husband the gift we longed for.
During this time Eric tried so hard to keep my faith up; telling me it just wasn't our time yet and it will happen in Gods time, not ours. I just grew more bitter. At the end of November 2013, I watched a few more friends post their happy pregnancy announcements and lost all hope for us. I once again went to my husband for comfort and instead of telling me it'll be ok, he grabbed my hand and prayed for us. Something we SHOULD have been doing all along.
Two weeks later I felt compelled to make an appointment with an OBGYN and see what fertility options would be available for us. I was able to get in that Tuesday with the physicians assistant and went with my mom and Eric. The doctor checked me over, took some blood work to check my thyroid and said she would call me with the results. She wanted to do an ultrasound the following week to see if all was ok there. We left on happy terms knowing that we were finally doing something to help ourselves have a baby.
The next morning I was leaving for work and literally just locked my front door when my phone started ringing with the doctor on the other end. When I asked if everything was ok she had told me we didn't need to go ahead and look into any fertility treatments. I was so confused and the first thing that ran through my head was that it was over; there was no chance for us. After asking her why, she told me the news.
I was already pregnant!
Happy wasn't the word for it and I couldn't stop crying! At the ultrasound that next week, we discovered that I became pregnant around the second week of November. Finally! It was our turn to become parents. Eric couldn't believe it when I told him the news. We were both just so happy!
God had a plan all along to bless us with a child. He just wanted me to be healthy and to fully rely on His timing and plan, which we did when Eric finally prayed over the situation that November night; when I was already pregnant!
After 9 months, 22 hours of labor, 20 minutes of pushing and Makenna ending up in the special care nursery, we had her. She is the result of a miracle. I grow more in love with her everyday and I am so blessed to be her mommy. It was the wait and every tear. I couldn't thank The Lord more for making us parents.
While it may not be a baby, I know there are a lot of you waiting for something. Do not give up hoping and praying. God hears you, I promise and is waiting till He knows you're ready for whatever
blessing He wants to throw your way. He wants good gifts for His children and all you have to do is have faith. I pray for you each of you that has something in your heart that you're waiting for.
I'm here to pray with you over anything! If you have something to share please send an email to!
Miracles happen everyday. I am so thankful for mine and I know you will be for yours.
Much love!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Octogon Day!

Happy Octogon Day?!
Yes. My last post should've been about "reasons you know you're a new mom when.."
Why did I think today was called Octogon Day, I have no idea and the lady I spoke with at the Ford dealership, when I asked if they were open today, didn't bother to correct me either. Ha!
So! While I respect Christopher Columbus and thank him for finding America, today is going to be called Octogon Day in the Janson house!
And this tired mama says that's final! ;)
How many of you find yourselves to be in a total daze sometimes? Motherhood has me so tired that sometimes I don't even remember if I had breakfast, let alone what I ate! The more busy I get being a mommy, the more out of it I feel. But I wouldn't trade this time of life for all the sleep in the world!

So today I was finally able to do this:
Yay for babywearing! It took us two months to find what kind worked for us and our budget. This one is the Infantino Fusion Flexible Position and it's just the start of the collection. Wearing her is so much fun and I'm already trying to save up to get some fancy ones. I can't wait to see her and Eric with it. He's already tried it on and can't wait to try it out. Makenna was so comfortable and fell asleep both the times I wore her today quickly. Any advice for me about baby wearing? Please share!
Our car has been in the shop since Friday (go Ford!) so that has made things a little rough, but what can you do? Life can definitely raise my stress level at times but I always need to remind myself that God will provide the things I need. He'll never leave us stranded, as long as we have faith in Him! So I'm taking a deep breath and totally letting the hubby take of it, haha! 
I have pork loin in the crockpot that I'm so excited about it. It's a new recipe I found and I'm really excited to try it. Here's the link to check it out if any of y'all are looking for some new crock pot 
recipes! It smells amazing!
Well, I hope y'all are having a great start to the week and, as always, thank you so much for reading. I look forward to the emails I get from you. You can email me anytime at if you need some prayers, smiles or just an ear to vent to! Send me recipes, prayer requests or anything else you may need. Have a good evening :)
Much love! 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

You know you're a grown up when...

I'm sitting on the couch, already engaged in my morning routine, thinking about these last 8 weeks of motherhood and 3 years of marriage and how truly different my life has become.
Well obviously right?
Here's what I've come up with for reasons you know you're a grown up when:
*9 am is sleeping in
*cleaning your cats liter box makes you feel like you have your life together
*drinking in large quantities no longer amuses me. Actually nothing more then a glass of wine, once in a blue moon, amuses me
*you look at a group of teenagers and refer to them as "those kids"
*you wake up and your back actually hurts from lack of movement
*you kill a spider in your house without crying
*buying stuff for your house makes you feel giddy
*a young couple comes to YOU for marriage advice
*classmates from high school are getting married and/or having children
*you are married and have a child yourself
*about 99.9% of the pictures in my phone are of my baby. Or my pets
*a night on the couch sounds glorious
*you start shopping in the "miss" section at Kohls
*your mom really is your best friend
*you get excited when the 5:00 news comes on
*your credit score is on your priority list
*bargain shopping and seeing how much you can save becomes a hobby
*bedtime is something you actually look forward to
*you start working on yourself and trying to become someone others can look up to
*you realize you still need some help from your parents and you're ok with that
*you've mastered writing a resume
*things like car taxes, house taxes and Christmas shopping make it into your monthly budget
*you subscribe to magazines like American Baby and Better Homes and Garden
*you've started taking care of your body
*because your metabolism isn't quite keeping up like it used to
*you realize how important buying an extended warranty on a car is. Especially for a Ford (AH!)
*your baby smiling is the best thing you could ever look at
*you realize how much God really does have your back
*you and your husband look for other parents to hang out with because they get it. They just really get it
And most importantly:
*you don't sweat the small stuff as much anymore. Life is going to happen. Cars will break down, people will still be mean to you, coffee will get dumped down the front of your shirt and you will still make mistakes.
Being a grown up is exhausting and there are times I don't want to do it anymore.
But I am blessed with an amazing family that never stops guiding us, a husband and baby that really do seem to like me and a God that will never stop getting me through this crazy whirlwind of life.
Want to add anything to that list? Comment or send an email!
I've been loving what y'all have been sending me. Seeing what God does in lives of others who I don't even know is rewarding so please! Keep them coming :) I'm always available!
As always thank you reading and I'm here for each of y'all.
Much love!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

It all started with a toaster

"I have found the one whom my soul loves."
-Song of Solomon 3:4
Yes, this ones about you babe!
Growing up and becoming an adult is scary but when you have your best friend by your side, it's not  necessarily easier but sweeter.
I prayed for Eric to come into my life long before I met him. My heart was bruised from the only other serious relationship I had before him and I was anxious to move past that and meet the man I could call my husband.
As we all know (and I'm clearly a firm believer), everything happens in Gods time and not our own. How everything happened between Eric and I was and still is fate. Gods gentle hands have been all over our relationship from the beginning!
Rewind to  February 20, 2011. Another Valentines Day had past and I was more bitter about love then the year before. I had spent some time with friends that weekend at Cherry Point Air Station with no intentions of wanting to meet anyone, especially a Marine.
I was actually getting ready to leave and go back home when I saw a white Ford Ranger roll up to the barracks and a very tall man in uniform get out and slam his truck door. My friend turns to me and tells me that was the guy she wanted to introduce to me. I told her forget it, he seems goofy. Next thing you know, Eric is throwing a toaster over the balcony of his barracks all because his roommate made him fail room inspection. Not only did he spark my interest then for some reason but I also wanted the toaster, ha!
A few moments later, we met! One sushi date and a week later, he finally asked for my number. I guess you can say we started dating immediately. The next weekend he took me down to SC where I met his family and the rest is history! We spent every single moment we had together. We would sit in the walmart parking lot for hours just talking. We would take turns driving that hour and a half drive to see each other every day until I finally moved closer to be with him.
On my 21st birthday (3 months later) we were riding in that same truck when he asked (more  like declared) me to marry him. After asking my parents permission, we set the date for August 12th but the Marine Corps decided 24 hour duty was more important so we set it for August 19, 2011.
Three years and two months later and I still get butterflies when I know my husband is on the way home from work. Anytime I look at him, it's like I see him for the first time. I still remember what it was like the first time he kissed me, told me he loved me, or sang to me in his truck.
Our relationship has been the biggest growing experience in my life. God used Eric to save me and mend the bruises that surrounded my heart. He showed me what love really was when I needed it the most. He is my biggest blessing and without him, I wouldn't be a mother to the most beautiful baby girl.
He's my best friend, my soulmate, my teammate, my tickle fighter, my hard worker, my honest critic, my spiritual mentor and the best daddy I could've ever asked him to be. After all we've been through, I know that we were meant to do life together. I couldn't be more proud of the man and father he's been becoming.
If you're looking for love, stop. God will bring a partner to you at the exact right time. It'll be worth the wait and, like me, you'll look back one day at the times you were at your loneliest and just be
even more thankful for the person by your side. Love is out there, just keep praying!
As always, I'm here to pray with or for you about anything!
Much love!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

His plans>my plans

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares The Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

Wow! Before I start let me just say that this is one of my favorite bible verses. I have a horrible time memorizing scripture but for some reason this one has no problem sticking in my mind permantely. And for good reason!
My whole life has been nothing but following a plan (whether I knew it or not) that God has had designed for me long before I even came to this earth. Plans that, at the time, I didn't always agree with and it wasn't till years later I saw how important every step was that I took to get me to the place I'm in now.
 For example:
Anyone that knows me well knows how passionate I am about music. I spent my entire school career preparing for the big world to make it as a broadway star. I trained, practiced and worked my way into a very prestigious musical theatre school called the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (a.k.a. AMDA) in Manhattan. I remember receiving my acceptance letter and feeling on top of the world and so excited to finally be starting my journey to my dream. Nothing could have possibly stopped me right?!
When it was time for me to go to AMDA in October 2008, I went with baggage. At this point it doesn't matter what that baggage consisted of, but I spent my first semester at my dream school missing what I left behind in my hometown instead of taking advantage of all the city and AMDA had to offer me. This led to me dropping out after my first semester and then eventually leaving NYC altogether and moving back home.
I abandoned my school, my life in the city but most importantly, I abandoned my dream over something so silly. Does this make me sad to think about what I threw away? Absolutely. Regrets? No way.
His plan overruled the one that I had for my life.
It's all lead me to where I am now. It has all been part of Gods plan for me. He knew everything was going to happen exactly the way it did. He knew the trials and heartache I would soon face that year and summer of 2009 would bring me to North Carolina where I met and married the love of my life. The pain of not being able to conceive for two years was all part of His plan when we finally were able to get pregnant and had our beautiful daughter. He has always come through and why wouldn't He?! My God is an amazing God.
Trials and seasons are a way to build us up; make us stronger.
It's not easy but I am learning to trust my life into Gods hands more and more. That He wants ONLY good things for my life. And that I need to let go and let His plan for me continuously fall into place.
I am so thankful for where I am now and as for my passion? He will bring me back to it when the time is right. Lately I've been feeling that He is about to bring me into a new season and I've been wanting to get back into my music more and more. So I decided to try out for my church's worship band! Whether it happens or not, it felt great just to have that sensation of auditioning for something again. It lit a spark in my heart again, just like He knew it would.
I'll give y'all an opportunity to hear it yourself in today's post!
If you're struggling with confusion, fear or even anger as to where you are in your life now, remember to trust! Trust that the God who gave you life, wants nothing more then to see you happy and successful. Put your faith in His plan.
As always my email is always available and so am I at I'll always pray with or for you and would love to hear of how God is working in your life! Hope you are all having a great start to the week.
Much love!

Here is the link to my audition video. Thank you much for reading watching!
Audition Song

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Goodbye little, green monster!

I was going to take today off but Eric went to play tennis and Makenna is sleeping. So since I'm already attached to my pump (I exclusively pump milk for my daughter!) I thought I'd share a major thought of mine for you this morning.
Jealousy. We ALL have moments of jealousy. I know I do! That little, green monster can overwhelm me sometimes. It's such an easy emotion to feel and one of the ugliest. You know what jealously is for me? Counting the blessings of others and ignoring my own. I do this more times I want to admit. 
For example:
Eric and I have been building ourselves up to be able to buy a house and are currently living in our 5th wheel until we are able to. We have made the place such a home and have transformed the extra room we have into a nursery for Makenna. It's actually quite beautiful inside our 5th wheel but it still doesn't stop me from being envious of those that have an actual house to live in. To see others have a yard all their own and so much space makes me cringe of how much I want that for my little family. 
But the past few months, after much prayer about the situation, God transformed my heart into being content with where we are. And has me knowing that He's not ready for us to have that blessing yet but to be hopeful in knowing it will happen. I still yearn for the day I can go crazy at Hobby Lobby to decorate my home but for the mean time, my jealousy has been put aside and I'm just blessed to say that we have a roof over our heads while many do not. 
I've noticed that jealously happens quite often within the female group. Yesterday at the festival, I noticed it a lot. One girl would scan another's outfit or give another a dirty look for talking to a guy she clearly wanted to talk to. 
We need to stop being so cruel, stop being so judgmental and stop being do jealous! 
I've made my fair share of mistakes. I've ruined friendships over my own selfish flaws. But The Lord has helped me mature. A lot. And yes, I still need to watch my feelings when it comes to wanting what other women have or even being judgmental but I'm coming to know more and more that all of us are beautiful. We all have our own purpose in life, set by a Father who loves us all equally. 
So what am I getting it at? (I'm a rambler!)
Be thankful for what you have! Know that we are in the exact moment, season or trial that we're in for a reason that we will find out one day! God equally wants only good things for His children. If someone else has something you desire for, be happy for them instead of resorting to jealously. Look at all you have now and think about how many people would love to have it. 
We are so blessed; all of us. Life can be so beautiful if we allow it. And sometimes it's easier to focus on how much further we have to go then how far we've come. 
Be kind to one another. 
Respect their blessings and count all of yours :) 
And remember, if you need anything, I'm here! 
I would love to hear today what some of your biggest blessings are! 
Have a great Sunday and GO GIANTS! 
Much love! 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Today we were Italiano!

Hey guys!
Thanks to all those that have made my blog a big hit already! I realize there's a ton of other things you could be doing and I'm blessed you take the time to read.
Today Eric and I brought Makenna, along with my parents, to the Italian Festival in Downtown Columbia. It wasn't quite what I thought it'd be but it was still fun. The boys got pizza and I had some yummy sausage and peppers. Without the bun of course ;)
It was a GORGEOUS day outside and I loved that Makenna was able to get so much fresh air! I'll share some pictures:
Eric and my dad enjoying a cold one :)

And I had a glass of moscato and some gelato, yum!

My beautiful mama and I :)

My sweet nugget got a chance to "picnic" outside

And by the end, Makenna was tuckered out and ready to head home

It was really a nice time and I can't wait to check out some more festivals this fall! This time of year makes me miss NY. Sweaters and hot cider are my favorite and I loved all the haunted houses there were around my hometown to torture ourselves with, haha.
But, no matter where I am, I love spending time with family. Especially now that we have sweet Makenna. Thinking about how much I love and care for Eric's family and mine reminds me of one of my favorite verses from the bible:
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." 
-1 John 4:7
Love is SO beautiful. Please make sure you tell those who you care for most how much you love them every day. And hey, spread love to those who may need some today! 
I hope everyone has an amazing Saturday. I'm getting ready to curl up on the couch (well, ok I'm already there) and watch some college football with my little family. And as always if you ever need a prayer sent up or just an ear to vent to, my email is :) I'm available 24/7!
Much love!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Quick little hello!

Well hello there everyone! First let me start off by saying that my writing is awful but I love to write. I have way too many journals shoved under my bed and figured maybe it's time to start taking a hobby public! 
This blog will be a little of everything. If you have a problem with babies, I suggest you leave now because a lot of pictures of my little Makenna will be posted. She's only 7 weeks old and between my mother and I, we probably have over 400 pictures of her already ;) We are's biggest customers and I have no problem babyspamming this blog!
I'll also be posting recipes. I have Celiac Disease (an auto immune disease that makes me intolerant to gluten) and follow a gluten free diet. I've been experimenting a lot with new and healthy, gluten free recipes. So I'll be posting those whenever I can! I love to cook and while I may not be the best, I'm sure getting good at it.
I promise that this blog will be as positive and uplifting as it can be with a side of the joys (and pains) of motherhood and life in general. I am totally in love with Jesus and have an ever growing relationship with Him and while I respect those that don't or may not have beliefs that match mine, please refrain from expressing those on this blog :) 
If you ever need someone to pray with you or for you about ANYTHING or you just need to vent or praise, please feel free to email me at! 
I'm looking forward to getting my thoughts out there and reaching those that I can.
Much love!